Busy busy bank robbery
After two cousins robbed a bank in Rome Thursday, things were very busy for the remainder of the workweek. I’m particularly proud of the products we produced, and wanted to save a link to all of it.
The story, as it is now, is broken into many editions written over two days. It involved the journalistic input of many people without whom none of it would have been accomplished.
As for the textual stories on the page, I wrote the editions entitled:
- “Both Rome bank robbery suspects appeared in court Friday”
- “One suspect arraigned; one still at large in Rome bank robbery”
…and collaborated on the sections entitled:
- “Arraignment pending for second suspect in Rome bank robbery”
- “Police piecing together Rome bank robbery; one suspect still loose”
- “Bank robbery suspects identified; search continues for one”
I shared editing tasks for “RAW Videos” with our webmaster, and posted the videos and photos from our various wonderful reporter/photographer teams.
I’m sure that far in the future when I reflect on the first year of my career, this will be one of the stories I’m likely to remember. (Along with the earthquake, windmill collapse, telephone store shooting and Murrow awards)