Organizing a Colorado ONA chapter
After my experience attending the Online News Association’s conference in Atlanta, I wanted to find a way to continue that kind of learning back in Colorado but there was no local chapter of the organization.
That deficit is now repaired.
The seed group that will grow into Colorado’s new chapter met for the first time at a restaurant along Denver’s 16th Street Mall on Jan. 23, 2014. Despite a snow storm that day, our group included representatives who work in digital content at two universities, a newspaper, a nonprofit foundation and a television newsroom.
Although only about a quarter of the people who said they would be interested in the club were able to attend that night, we certainly had enough attendance to show the national organization we are serious.
Our group is already considering how to add an educational component into our next meeting. One attendee, a professor at CU, is planning a symposium on ethics and is considering how we can make one session into a meeting for the club.