Getting ready for the trial
After years of coverage, and weeks of intensely focused preparation, I think the team is ready.
We’ve got an ambitious plan. It is the biggest team I’ve ever organized, pulling resources from several departments and borrowing technology from all over the place. But we’ve rehearsed and we are ready.
The months of this trial will be filled with grueling hours, difficult coverage decisions and very dark content. That challenge looms ahead of me as I write, and it makes me grateful to have a team that is supportive of me and of each other.
But our team must also support several communities. We will need to balance the curiosity of the trial fanatics around the world against what is best for our neighbors. Every script and every decision will need to be made in that context.
I wrote it almost by mistake, but this phrase has been used again and again to explain the reason we are embarking on this coverage plan: Justice deserves to be transparent.
By that, I don’t mean any disparagement of the court system. I simply mean that the courtroom is too small to accommodate everyone who was affected. Everyone who lived here in Colorado was affected, and I believe that is why we all deserve to see the process of justice unfold.